Australian Appaloosa & Quarter Horses

Appaloosa & Quarter Horse  Stallions

Appaloosa & Quarter Horse  Mares

Appaloosa & Quarter Horse  Sales

Appaloosa & Quarter Horse  Show Horses

Appaloosa & Quarter Horse  Training

Appaloosa & Quarter Horse  Links



Welcome to Riverdowns Appaloosa & Quarter Horse Stud situated at Jimboomba and Tabragalba which is south of Brisbane and inland from the Gold Coast in sunny South East Queensland.

Michael and Debera have lived in this area for more than 15 years and currently have 10 acres at home where they live with the stallions and show horses and the broodmares graze happily on 300 acres while their bellies expand.

Debera has been a member of the Australian Appaloosa Association since 1977 breeding and showing Appaloosas in North Queensland living out her childhood dreams to own and breed her own Appaloosa Horses.

After moving to Brisbane and later marrying Michael she made sure he was also bitten by the bug and since 1995 have shown at halter together at National and State level as well as being heavily committed to showing and promoting the Appaloosa Horse at club, Royal and Agricultural shows in south east Queensland bringing home hundreds of wins with Champions, Grand Champions, Open Futurities and Supreme Exhibits.

In recent years, in addition to their beloved Appaloosas, they have purchased and bred a number of Quarter Horses and as a member of the AQHA and AmQHA, Debera has shown Quarter Horses at National and State level as well as at local and Club Shows in their area. While they will bred some purebred Quarter Horses they will also use these bloodlines to add further depth to their Appaloosa breeding programme.

Now after many years of selection and breeding, they have an enviable group of broodmares, principally from imported Sires, most are State and National Champions or top 5 placegetters and out of mares that are either National Champions or National Champion producers. Michael and Debera both firmly believe that a mares breeding contributes substantially into resulting progeny. They also offer a number of incentive bonuses to purchasers and breeders of Riverdowns horses so check it out.

They invite you to visit their site with them and if you are looking for a young horse to show or have a mare that you would like to breed or want someone with substantial show success to prepare and show your youngster, then they feel sure they can help you.




Michael & Debera Ebbett
375 Edelsten Rd, Jimboomba Queensland
Ph: (07) 5547 8888
Int: +617 5547 8888
Fax: (07) 5547 8877